My name is Huyền Trang, a young little girl was born and raised in a small island which is far from North Vietnam. Growing up surround by ocean, sun and wind of Central region, tourism is something I could only dream in about as a girl. I was dreamed to explore all corners over the world but did not have many opportunities at that time.

At the age 20, I had a chance to come closer to my ambition by becoming a student of French Department - Tourism Orientation of Hanoi University. Here, I met other young people who had same passion with me and dedicated instructors. We shared our dreams together and tried our best to study and hone the necessary skills.

In certain exchanges, I was fortunate to have the chance to work as an intern at Asia King Travel. Working at Asia King Travel, I feel like my childhood dream almost come true. Here, I have many opportunities to interact and share about culture, people, and landscape with friends from all over the world. That further motivates me to promote my beautiful homeland Vietnam to the world. So I'm here, along with equip of Asia King Travel, will try our best to bring unique, authentic, unforgettable experiences to you. I am really proud to be part of the sustainable tourism development on the lands imbued with local cultural identity.

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Photo of Trang Pham

Photo of Trang Pham
Photo of Trang Pham
Photo of Trang Pham
Photo of Trang Pham
Photo of Trang Pham

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